August 2015 Brags

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I’m definitely running late for my brags this month!

Same as always: I’ll be sharing some of my wins and would love for you to share yours in the comments, too. :)

Here, in no particular order, are some of my biggest August highlights:

1. Due to a messy divorce + drama, my mom and her best friend hadn’t seen or talked to each other for over 17 years. It was something that I knew bothered my mom a lot and I always secretly hoped to get them talking again.

Finally, several months ago, I took action and sent her best friend a letter. It turns out that everything boiled down to a big miscommunication! They both missed each other a lot. Crazy.

They ended up reuniting in person on August 5th and are now going to get together much more frequently. This was amazing to witness.

2.  A few months ago I saw a hilarious article and posted it on my Facebook wall.

Out of curiosity I looked up the author and ended up on her blog. She had a post saying that her calling was to write her own books but she couldn’t find a publisher and had to do things she didn’t feel passionate about in the meantime.

Following my intuition, I reached out to her and told her she should self publish.

Self publishing is awesome.She thought self publishing would be $5k+ based on estimates she got. I told her she could get up and running for less than $100 and was happy to help her.

Cut to a little over 3 months later, I get a message from her saying:

Hi Rachel!! I self published and it’s doing incredibly well! Thanks so much for your help. I mentioned you in the acknowledgments of the book. And I’ve shared your knowledge with other authors to self publish!! You’re changing lives!!!

Her book Ten Years Taken is doing PHENOMENALLY! It got 259 reviews (4.8 out of 5 stars), was picked up by Barnes & Noble, and the book is absolutely excellent. I couldn’t put it down and spent a day reading it.

3. I went to Pennsylvania in August to go visit my family and had an excellent time. I got to spend lots of quality alone time individually with my brother, sister, mom, and my stepdad on the way to the airport. Of course I also saw my nephew who is the most adorable kid on the planet and makes me SO happy.

4. Don and I went on a trip from the end of August to early September to NYC. We stayed in Little Italy and walked around a ton, saw a Broadway show, ate delicious food, and caught up with some great people. It was really fun.

5. There were some big podcast wins, too.  GetResponse sponsored my podcast! They are my absolute favorite email provider so this was a huge win and one that makes me feel amazing.

A Better Life also received 12 more positive reviews over August (yay!) and got downloaded +17,506 times. It was also highlighted on Psychology Of Eating’s Best 25 Personal Development Podcasts which is a big honor.

6. I’ve been traveling for a few weeks so I don’t know what I weigh now, but as of August 25th, I was down 8 pounds overall. Woohoo!!!!

7. Business-wise, this was my 2nd best month of the year. My Shopify store is doing great, I picked up podcast sponsorships, and I ended up selling a *LOT* of an eCommerce course that I really believe in.

8. My social media presence went from a total of 80,016 followers on August 1st on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook to 84,605 on August 30th (I didn’t track the 31st). That’s an increase of +4,589 followers/friends/fans.

9. I made a few tough decisions I’d been putting off for months in August. I won’t get into details here, but it involved cutting people out of my life in a few areas who were not only not serving me, but actively bringing me down.

FitBit10. I walked a total of 520,108 steps on my FitBit in August, which works out to about 7.94 miles a day.

11. Leesa! OMG! If you’re following me on Facebook you may have seen this post. Here’s what it said:

A few weeks ago I was reading about the winners of the Build A Business competition on Shopify and read about Leesa, a company who sells high-end mattresses at a (comparatively) affordable rate: $1kish.

I told myself I wanted to come back to the site at some point and buy one.

COMPLETELY RANDOMLY a few days later, the founder of the company reached out to me on Twitter and said he wanted to send me a mattress!

To make it even more awesome: we talked on the phone and I adore the guy.

I think that’s everything for now. :) How about you? What would you like to brag about? Do tell!

August brags

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