Easy Etsy integrations you can add to enhance your business

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Etsy offers a lot of cool ways that you can enhance your business using features found right on the platform. You can create coupon codes and sales, run Etsy ads, create social media content without needing to leave your dashboard, et cetera.

Another neat way Etsy helps you enhance your business is by using Etsy integrations, which you can find under the Integrations section of your Shop Manager.

Etsy’s third-party integrations are “tools that help you run, market, optimize, and enhance your business.” And all you have to do to access these tools is connect them to your shop. Not all of the integrations are free, however, nor are they all super useful for LHS purposes.

But there are several that I like a lot and I wanted to talk to you about those integrations here. But first, here’s a list of ALL the Etsy integrations you have to choose from in case some of the others sound interesting to you.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

The four that I want to focus on are…

  1. AWeber
  2. Pinterest
  3. eRank
  4. Vela

Below, I talk about each of these integrations in more detail, letting you know how they can help your LHS Etsy business.

Let’s dive in…


AWeber is an email marketing platform. And while you definitely do not need to have a list or engage in any type of email marketing to make the Low Hanging System work for you, this Etsy integration is cool because it lets you import your Etsy customers. They become the members of your list (after opting in, of course).

This can be a great way to build a relationship with your customers. You can check in to see how they like your products or you can share new developments about your store, like new product launches and any sales or promotions you run.

To get started with AWeber’s Etsy integration, here’s what you need to do:

  • Inside Integrations, click where it says Aweber under the “Market and promote your shop” section
  • Click “Learn more at AWeber”
  • Click “Get AWeber free” at the top right
  • Fill in your information and click “Sign Up”

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

  • Click the “Get Started” button inside the email that’s sent to the address you signed up with and create a password for your account
  • Choose the free option and click continue
  • Fill in your company name and website or social profile (Etsy shop page) and choose an industry from the dropdown menu (I chose retail) then click continue
  • Enter your address and click continue
  • Specify whether you already have subscribers and click continue (it’s okay to say you’re just getting started)
  • Say what your business goals are (I chose the option that said “Sell products or services online”) and click continue
  • Specify any other tools you use for your business (choose Etsy) and click continue
  • Inside your AWeber dashboard, click where it says “Connect an integration”

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

  • Click Available Integrations
  • Scroll until you find Etsy; click on it
  • Click the blue “Connect Integration” button on the right
  • Click “Allow Access”
  • Specify the list you want to add customers to when they make a purchase (an option will automatically appear based on the information you previously input)

And that’s it!

Now, if you go back to your email account, you should have another email from AWeber about setting up a confirmation email for your subscribers.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

Click the “Customize your Confirmation Message” button.

Here, you’ll have to fill in some list settings…

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

Save your settings when you’re done.

Under the “Personalize Your List” section, add in your company details, including your company name, website URL (Etsy shop page), your logo (if you have one), and your email signature. You can also connect your social media accounts. Save all settings when you’re done.

Now it’s time to craft your confirmation message. Choose a language and subject line. You can choose a subject line from the dropdown menu. Or you can request a custom subject line — that’s what I did.

Here is the template for the custom subject line I submitted:

{!firstname_fix} Would you like to get Etsy discounts? Confirm your subscription to [your shop name]

Below the subject line, click where it says “Edit message content” to create your message.

Here is the template I used:

Hey {!firstname_fix}, 

Thanks for your business!

As a previous customer, [your store name] is inviting you to join our free list for monthly discounts, coupons, and giveaways.

Our gifts are unique and customizable. They make AMAZING keepsakes. When you sign up, you get firsthand details about product launches and amazing sales. We do not spam and only send emails to share special offers.

Please click the button below to confirm you’d like to receive emails from [Aweber list name]. Thank you!

I left the button text as it was.

Then, I input this as my email signature:

With love,
[your name]

[your store name]

You can preview your message when you’re done and make any necessary changes. Once you’re satisfied, click “Save All Settings” and your confirmation message is good to go!

The process is very easy and doesn’t take long. Now, any of your customers who want to stay in touch with you have a way of doing so.

And moving forward, you don’t have to send out a ton of emails. Just every so often, if you’re running a sale or you’d like some feedback, you can go back inside your AWeber dashboard and create another email to schedule and send.

For example, if you want to let customers know about an upcoming promotion, click where it says Messages on the lefthand side then click “Create a Message.” I recommend choosing “Plain Text Message” from the dropdown.

On the next page, input a subject line and the body of your email. Here’s a template you can use for a sale announcement message.

Subject line:

[holiday or event – e.g. Father’s Day] sale happening now on Etsy! 


Hey [first name],

I hope you’re having an amazing day!

I just wanted to let you know that I am currently running a [holiday or event – e.g. Father’s Day] sale for [discount – e.g. 10%] off select merchandise in my store, [store name].

All of these items make fantastic gifts. You can browse the on-sale gift items here:

[insert link]

I hope you love them!

Thanks so much!

With love,
[your name]

[your store name]

When you’re done, you can preview and test your message by sending a copy to yourself. If everything looks good, click “Save and Exit.” Then, either schedule your message to be sent sometime in the future or send it out immediately.


As you could probably guess, you need to have a Pinterest account to use this integration. If you don’t already have one, you can use this guide to learn how.

Once you’re set up with Pinterest…

  • Click Integrations inside your Etsy Shop Manager
  • Click the Pinterest option under the “Market and promote your shop” section
  • Click “Learn more at Pinterest”
  • Click Claim next to where it says Etsy
  • Click “Allow Access”

Your Pinterest account will now be linked to your Etsy store. According to Pinterest, what this means is you’ll…

“Get credit for all your content on Pinterest. When you claim your content, your name and profile picture will show up next to any Pins that come from your site or external accounts.”

…This helps build brand awareness. And if customers like what they see on Pinterest, they’ll know where to go to get it.


eRank is a great tool that helps you find keywords for your Etsy store so you can boost your listings’ rankings and make more sales.

Inside the Integrations section of your Shop Manager, click eRank under where it says “Improve your listings and understand buyer trends” then click “Learn more at eRank.”

Once the eRank page opens, you’ll need to register for an account.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

Then, you need to activate your account by following the instructions in the email you should automatically receive.

Once you log into eRank, you need to connect your Etsy shop.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

Click the orange “Connect Etsy Shop” button then “Allow Access.” You’ll be brought to this page…

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

…and now your eRank account will be linked to your Etsy store.

If you’re not familiar with eRank, here’s some information about how I like to use it for my Etsy listings…

In the trending section of eRank, you can check out all kinds of keywords that are trending on Etsy. You can see a Trend Graph and Etsy Searches for each keyword as well.

The trend graph shows how a keyword’s popularity has changed over the last 15 months. This provides you with a sense of seasonality and whether a keyword is getting more or less popular.

Etsy Searches reveals the estimated number of searches for a particular keyword in a given month.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

This type of information is really valuable for your listings, as it allows you to add the most highly searched for keywords to your listings, thus improving their SEO and chances of being seen by customers.


The last free integration I want to talk about is Vela. Vela is a really useful tool for bulk editing your listings. Sometimes, you need to make a change that applies to all of your listings or all of the listings in a particular category.

And if you have thousands of listings, like I do, it’s hugely time-consuming and tedious to edit each listing one by one.

To connect Vela to your Etsy shop, the process starts the same way as the other three integrations. You go to the Integrations section of your Shop Manager and click Vela under where it says “Understand and manage your inventory and analytics.” Then, you click “Learn more at Vela” and sign up for a Vela account.

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

Click the “Connect Etsy” button and “Allow Access.” Vela will then import all of the data from your shop so you can easily make any necessary modifications to it, saving you a ton of time and hassle.

To learn more about how Vela works, click here.

What do you think of these Etsy integrations? Have you tried any before? I’d love to hear your feedback if you have. Leave a comment below! And if you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and followers. Thank you!

These Etsy integrations can help your ecommerce business

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