July 2015 Brags

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It’s that time already! Here are my July 2015 brags.

I’m going to share some of my wins and encourage you to share yours in the comments, too!

1. I planted 100 trees with OneTreePlanted.org.

2. I felt inspired to walk into Wal-Mart, buy a $100 gift card, and hand it to a stranger. That was fun!

3. I booked a flight home for August to go see my family and friends. I’m looking forward to going!

4. The 100th episode of A Better Life was released! For this one, my great friend Kit Maloney interviewed me. She did an awesome job and it feels so good to have released 100 shows already! I get bored very quickly and am so proud of myself for sticking with this. You can find the episode here.

5. Speaking of A Better Life, episodes were downloaded 17,804 times this month, which is +533 downloads from June.

6. I launched 2 new stores on Shopify. They’re doing great! I got somewhere around 60 orders within a week for my first one and got so motivated that I opened a second store. That started getting promoted on July 27th and made $2270.55 gross in 5 days.

Because of my initial success, I also hired a coach to help me sell even more physical products.

7. I promoted a great course that ended up doing very well. I was #8 on the affiliate leaderboard for it and I know it helped a LOT of people! In fact, I believed in the product so much that I bought it for someone who couldn’t afford it just yet. It feels nice to know there are some awesome life-changing courses out there and I can share them with people.

8. I launched my first real Periscope! It was fun! If you’d like to follow me on there, just search for “RachelRofe”. :) You’ll also get Twitter notifications every time I do one if you follow me on Twitter.

9. I finally renewed my passport!!! This might seem small, but considering how much I detest paperwork and how hot it is in Vegas (read: I didn’t want to go outside), I am happy. I needed the passport in time for trips in August and September.

10. It was a great month for friends! I helped a friend start a podcast, organized a little meetup for some friends, and had some great hang-outs in person and via phone.

11. I learned a pretty neat trick to get more followers on Pinterest. I’m not using it on my main page yet, but it’s working great in my niches! I’m so glad I took the time to learn this and get it automated.

12. Another month of consistent emails to my list – woohoo!

13. My social media presence went from a total of 75,419 followers on July 1st on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook to 79,890 on July 31st. That’s an increase of +4,471 followers/friends/fans.

14. I walked a total of 533,078 steps in July, which works out to about 8.14 miles a day.

15. I finally lost 2-3 lbs!!! Considering I ate chicken + greens for 6 weeks and lost NOTHING, I am counting this as an ENORMOUS FREAKIN’ WIN! It’s so nice to see the scale budge.

How about you? Have any July brags? Share away!

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