April 2015 Brags

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April 2015 bragsLooks like it’s time for another brag post!

I’ve been looking forward to this one. In full transparency, I wasn’t thrilled with my February wins and actually bored myself writing my March list. I know some of the things I listed there look good on paper, but they didn’t excite me that much.

Now I have a brand new appreciation for these brag posts: I  can gauge when I’m getting too complacent.

That aside, here are some of my April wins – and please feel free to share yours in the comments, too!

1. A Better Life ® is still featured by iTunes under Inspiring Women’s Voices. Pretty awesome.

Featured on iTunes women's podcasts

Podcast download numbers2. Speaking of A Better Life ®, it was listened to 21,038 times in April, up +1,172 listens from March – even though April is a day shorter.

3. And even more about A Better Life ® – I got that trademark! It was a long shot, but I now own rights to the “A Better Life” brand. Amazing.

4.  My parents visited me! We went to Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, saw Jersey Boys and Jabbawockeez, visited tons of casinos, went out for amazing dinners with views of the Bellagio fountains, shopped, and just had a GREAT time. It was very nice to have them here.

5. I didn’t work at all while my parents visited, which gave me about 5 full days off of work.

6. On April 11th, I started meditating for a minimum of 10 minutes every single day except for when my parents were in town. I haven’t regularly meditated in a long time – like – years – and I forgot how much I loved it.

7. I found this awesome group of volunteers who get together every Monday to feed homeless people.

The back story on this group was that about 15 years ago a pastor started handing out water to people on the street after he found out that a homeless person died of dehydration. He kept coming to hand out water and people started to help him. It ended up evolving to the group now – a group of 50+ volunteers who bring and serve food and clothes to support 300+ homeless people every Monday.

I came for 2 Mondays and plan to keep going now that I know about it. I served a huge fresh salad the first week, then dropped one off the second since I was hanging with my parents. The greens were all made from food from my garden.

I didn’t know if people would want salad but every last drop was eaten and I overheard one of the men saying, “This is the only way I get my greens in.” Yay!

Salad for folks at the homeless shelter

8. I created a new niche site that’s been fun to play with. I created a really solid free report and an upsell, got 100+ pieces of awesome and unique content for it, and got 1000+ followers across social media all in less than a month.

9. I got a new software in motion. This is going to help lots of people and I’m pumped to sell it! (This is different than the Twitter software I mentioned last month which is still in production.)

10. My social media presence went from a total of 61,402 followers on April 1st on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook to 66,587 on April 30th. That’s an increase of +5,185 followers.

FitBit Steps11. I walked 521,759 steps in April, which averages out to 17,392 a day and is over 8 miles per day.

12. I spent nearly an entire day on the couch last week, doing nothing but watching movies, reading, and lazing around. It was GLORIOUS and I didn’t make myself wrong for it. I can’t remember the last time I did that.

13. I started a practice with my friend Ruchi where every day, we commit to getting 3 things done the next day. If we don’t get them done, we pay the other person $10. This has been a GREAT way to get more done in a fun way since we both talk tons of trash and don’t want to pay the other person. ;)

I think that’s it!

How was YOUR April? Brag, baby, brag! :)

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