Here are my top tips to increase your sales on Etsy

Selling on Etsy is one of the best ways to make extra money online. But if you’ve been struggling to make sales, you can do a lot of different things to give your Etsy sales a boost. And in this post, I will outline ten of the most important techniques you can try. These tips […]

Here are my top tips to increase your sales on Etsy Read More »

Here are 15 ways to organize your ecommerce business and your life.

15 practical, effective ways to organize your business (and your life)

Staying organized is tricky even for people who are naturally orderly and systematic. When you have a lot going on it’s easy for things to get away from you. Plus, it can be hard to not get distracted or off track. To help stay organized, you need to take a proactive approach by planning ahead,

15 practical, effective ways to organize your business (and your life) Read More »

Need some help? Here’s where you can find high quality VAs and graphic designers

When it comes to our work and our personal lives, we could all use a little help now and again (or — let’s be honest — on a daily basis). I’m personally a huge fan of outsourcing. And over the years, I’ve worked with some really fantastic people, many of whom I still do business

Need some help? Here’s where you can find high quality VAs and graphic designers Read More »

10 Tips on how to get your first sale on Amazon and many more sales after that

Selling products on Amazon is a popular way for entrepreneurs to start their online businesses. With millions of potential customers, Amazon provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your products and generate sales. However, getting that first sale and building momentum can be daunting for beginners. In this post, I will share ten valuable tips about

10 Tips on how to get your first sale on Amazon and many more sales after that Read More »

Here what 5 all-stars have to say about how they achieved ecommerce success.

5 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS

You might remember that a couple months ago I decided to share a bit about the journeys of three real Low Hanging System members. (You can view the post here.) Well, I’ve since talked to more members and learned more about their experiences, including practical tips for how to succeed with LHS and what they

5 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS Read More »

April brags

April 2018 Brags

Here are some of April’s wins for this month’s brag post.  As always they’re in no particular order. 1. The school I helped fund in Laos finished ahead of schedule. I wasn’t there for the celebration and actually got the email with the grand opening pictures while I was at a business meeting in Chicago.

April 2018 Brags Read More »

10 Ways mug mockups can help you earn more sales on Etsy and Amazon

If you’re a seller on Etsy or Amazon, you know how important it is to showcase your products in the best way possible. One way to do this is by using mug mockups. These digital images allow you to display your designs on mugs in a professional and eye-catching way. Here are 10 ways mug

10 Ways mug mockups can help you earn more sales on Etsy and Amazon Read More »

January and February brags

January + February 2018 Brags

This is another installment of my monthly (or bi-monthly) brag posts, where I post about wins from the prior month. I’m in a bit of a stressed out mood as I write this, and I know it’s going to be really nice to write this out and reflect on some good things. These are also awesome to

January + February 2018 Brags Read More »

3 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS

Now that Low Hanging System has been operational for awhile, I thought it would be cool to talk to actual members doing well to see what their journeys have been like and what advice they can share. Below, 3 people walk you through their journeys from how they first started out to where they are now

3 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS Read More »

Increase sales with these ecommerce pricing tweaks

In the survey we sent out, many of you said you’d like to a) increase your LHS sales, and b) learn how to sell more physical products. In the spirit of “low hanging”, I thought I’d share a couple quick pricing tweaks that can help you with both of these things. See – it’s remarkable

Increase sales with these ecommerce pricing tweaks Read More »

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