How I’m Quitting Internet Marketing – And How To Tell A Lot About Yourself

WARNING: If you did not yet do this exercise, please do it NOW. If you read this post before doing the exercise, you’ll lose all benefit of it. It only takes 5 minutes and can give you tremendous insight – so please go do it NOW! Keep reading ONLY IF YOU’VE DONE THE EXERCISE… –

How I’m Quitting Internet Marketing – And How To Tell A Lot About Yourself Read More »

Want to learn a ton about yourself? Do this exercise!

While at Eben Pagan and Wyatt Woodsmall’s Personality Patterns seminar this week, I learned a PHENOMENAL exercise for learning a LOT about yourself. It takes 5 minutes, is incredibly powerful, and will give you a tremendous amount of insight about yourself. This changed my entire life (look for a follow up blog post shortly). I’ll

Want to learn a ton about yourself? Do this exercise! Read More »

Some of my go-to juice and smoothie recipes (for HEALTH and ENERGY!)

A lot of people have been asking me lately about recipes for juices, smoothies, and other energy potions. :) Here are some of my favorites: Lemon-Ginger Blast: I have this one every morning. Lou Corona was the one who came up with it, and the guy is a freaking BEACON of health knowledge. He’s 57

Some of my go-to juice and smoothie recipes (for HEALTH and ENERGY!) Read More »

Everything I’m Making Happen In The Next 30 Days: Day 3

My 30 day “Choose-fest” is off to a phenomenal start. :) I’ve been taking lots of actions in getting things done and have already seen some great results. In order of what I’m choosing: 1. 7 days of juicing only. I’m on Day 3 of juicing now and it’s going WONDERFULLY! It’s a completely different

Everything I’m Making Happen In The Next 30 Days: Day 3 Read More »

Everything I’m Making Happen In The Next 30 Days…

I was talking with one of my coaches the other day, and she told me that drawing pictures is an incredible way to start manifesting what you want. Pictures really help get the subconscious on board, and actually drawing them is a lot more powerful than cutting out pictures. My coach also gave me the

Everything I’m Making Happen In The Next 30 Days… Read More »

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