January 2019 Brags

This is the newest installment of my monthly brag posts, where I go over big wins from the previous month. January was a really great month and I’m happy to celebrate it! So, in no particular order, here was some of the wins: 1. Don and I took a trip to Jamaica from December 31, […]

January 2019 Brags Read More »

2018 Revenue numbers + Valentine’s Day 2019 plan

With 2018 over and Valentine’s Day just around the bend, I thought I’d do a review of how last year went and how I’m going to prep for the next upcoming sales spike. I know many people like viewing these posts and glean some useful information from them. In this post, I’m going to be

2018 Revenue numbers + Valentine’s Day 2019 plan Read More »

November + December 2018 Brags

This will wrap up my 2018 brag posts. I actually just went through the other months to revisit some of my highlights from the past year, and it was so much fun! I’m making this post a 2-in-one since I was so busy at the warehouse in December that I never wrote my November one.

November + December 2018 Brags Read More »

Boost your business by supporting worthy causes with these charity-inspired design ideas

Supporting charitable causes is really important. Plus, it makes you feel great. But what if it could also benefit your business’ bottom line? Increasing the number of designs available in your shops is one of the best ways to optimize your chances of creating high-selling products. After all, figuring out what designs will sell well

Boost your business by supporting worthy causes with these charity-inspired design ideas Read More »

Add this easy upgrade option to your Etsy shop to increase your earning potential

Want a quick way to earn more money from your Etsy listings? We’ve been testing an easy strategy involving shipping insurance that I think you’ll really like. As an add-on, Etsy lets you create “shipping bumps” for your store, which mostly involve faster shipping options. But another thing you can add is a shipping insurance

Add this easy upgrade option to your Etsy shop to increase your earning potential Read More »

October 2018 Brags

Welcome to my latest brag post, where I go over the previous month’s wins. Here are some of last month’s big wins, in no particular order: 1. October included a lot of really fun travel. We went from PA to Vegas where Don hosted a marketing event and CRUSHED IT, then to Nashville where I met

October 2018 Brags Read More »

How to “hack” your computer with custom hotkeys for folders, text, apps, and more

I’m always interested in hearing about long-term sustainable ways to increase my productivity and work more efficiently. The faster and easier you can make your work tasks, the more free time you have for friends, family, hobbies, and whatever else you enjoy. A while back I was turned onto the idea of hotkeys, or keyboard

How to “hack” your computer with custom hotkeys for folders, text, apps, and more Read More »

Top Holiday Insights – A compilation of fascinating facts about holiday shoppers (Updated)

To maximize your sales this holiday season, taking a closer look at the trends and stats from past holiday seasons is useful. I created this type of post last year and I wanted to do the same thing again this year so you can better plan and strategize for the 2018 holiday shopping season. In

Top Holiday Insights – A compilation of fascinating facts about holiday shoppers (Updated) Read More »

Boost sales by reaching “undecided” and “pressed-for-time” shoppers with these done-for-you gift cards

It can get nerve-racking selling items during the holidays. Sales are up a ton (some people say they get 70% of their orders during this time!) and customers can be on edge. If you’re selling print-on-demand – or really, any item – you want to have a fine balance of bringing in as many orders

Boost sales by reaching “undecided” and “pressed-for-time” shoppers with these done-for-you gift cards Read More »

September 2018 Brags

Welcome to the newest edition of my brag posts, where I brag about the prior month and encourage you to do the same thing. It’s a great way of staying present to wins without always focusing on the next thing. With that said, in no particular order, here are some wins from September. 1. Don

September 2018 Brags Read More »

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