Check out my latest list of tools for my business and personal life.

Here’s a big list of business tools and personal tools I’ve recently used (+ my reviews)

I recently went through my credit card statements for the last six months. And if you’ve ever wondered what I or any other marketer buys, I thought it could be helpful to share what I discovered about my most recent purchases. Below, I list out a whole bunch of different tools, resources, and investments I’ve […]

Here’s a big list of business tools and personal tools I’ve recently used (+ my reviews) Read More »

How to get more social media followers without creating extra content

How to get more social media followers without creating extra content

Social media is powerful. There’s no doubt about that. But social media marketing falls flat if you don’t have an audience built up, which can be challenging. One of the best ways of getting more followers is to continuously post new, engaging content. Most of us, however, simply don’t have the time or the energy

How to get more social media followers without creating extra content Read More »

Here are 15 ways to organize your ecommerce business and your life.

15 practical, effective ways to organize your business (and your life)

Staying organized is tricky even for people who are naturally orderly and systematic. When you have a lot going on it’s easy for things to get away from you. Plus, it can be hard to not get distracted or off track. To help stay organized, you need to take a proactive approach by planning ahead,

15 practical, effective ways to organize your business (and your life) Read More »

Need some help? Here’s where you can find high quality VAs and graphic designers

When it comes to our work and our personal lives, we could all use a little help now and again (or — let’s be honest — on a daily basis). I’m personally a huge fan of outsourcing. And over the years, I’ve worked with some really fantastic people, many of whom I still do business

Need some help? Here’s where you can find high quality VAs and graphic designers Read More »

Here's how to get your negative reviews removed from Amazon.

Here’s how to fight back against negative reviews (without getting in trouble with Amazon)

Getting a negative review really stinks. But it’s something that happens to even the best of us. No matter how hard you try or how on top of your game you are, you can never please everyone and mistakes are going to happen. They just are. You don’t have to take the negative reviews lying

Here’s how to fight back against negative reviews (without getting in trouble with Amazon) Read More »

Here’s what happened when I tried to make some passive income on photo-sharing websites

Repurposing your creations or content is a great way to maximize your money, time, and/or effort. You can earn income or win back time without having to start from scratch. And because of that, I’m always looking for ways to turn things I’ve already created (like an article or design) into something else. One of the

Here’s what happened when I tried to make some passive income on photo-sharing websites Read More »

Here what 5 all-stars have to say about how they achieved ecommerce success.

5 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS

You might remember that a couple months ago I decided to share a bit about the journeys of three real Low Hanging System members. (You can view the post here.) Well, I’ve since talked to more members and learned more about their experiences, including practical tips for how to succeed with LHS and what they

5 All-stars share their journeys from just starting out to winning at LHS Read More »

April brags

April 2018 Brags

Here are some of April’s wins for this month’s brag post.  As always they’re in no particular order. 1. The school I helped fund in Laos finished ahead of schedule. I wasn’t there for the celebration and actually got the email with the grand opening pictures while I was at a business meeting in Chicago.

April 2018 Brags Read More »

33 ways to break out of a creative slump

We’ve all been there – Drumming your fingers on the table, wracking your brain, trying to figure out what to do next with your business idea or project. It’s SUUUUUPER frustrating! But the good news is, you don’t always have to take it lying down, while waiting for inspiration to strike. There are some very

33 ways to break out of a creative slump Read More »

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