April brags

April 2018 Brags

Here are some of April’s wins for this month’s brag post.  As always they’re in no particular order. 1. The school I helped fund in Laos finished ahead of schedule. I wasn’t there for the celebration and actually got the email with the grand opening pictures while I was at a business meeting in Chicago.

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January and February brags

January + February 2018 Brags

This is another installment of my monthly (or bi-monthly) brag posts, where I post about wins from the prior month. I’m in a bit of a stressed out mood as I write this, and I know it’s going to be really nice to write this out and reflect on some good things. These are also awesome to

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November and December brags

November + December 2017 Brags

In October I mentioned I wanted to re-start my monthly brag posts, where I’d post about my wins from the previous month. I love having these to look through at the end of the year and it’s a nice way to stop and smell the roses. Although my intention was to post a new one every

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October 2017 Brags

I used to publish monthly brag posts, where I’d look through the previous month and post about all the wins that happened. It was a fun way to savor all the great things that happened. It’s very easy to jump into the next big thing, so I liked celebrating recent achievements and then having them to refer

October 2017 Brags Read More »

Pictures from Jamaica + Managing Overwhelm

  I just got back from a fabulous trip to Jamaica. Highlights include: staying in the #1 villa in Jamaica for 9 years in a row (it was SO worth the title – see the property here), having a pool attached to our bedroom, beautiful views, crazy-delicious food, a trip to Rick’s Cafe, and most notably –

Pictures from Jamaica + Managing Overwhelm Read More »

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